About Save the Waves

Save The Waves Coalition (STW) is an international nonprofit that works in coalition with diverse organizations dedicated to their mission to protect surf ecosystems across the globe. In Save the Waves, O’Neill found a partner that shares Jack O’Neill’s mission: “The ocean is alive and we’ve got to take care of it”. Or, as Save The Waves describes it: “A surf ecosystem is more than a wave: It’s the geophysical components, the plants and animals, and the human interactions that make a place special. Protecting surf ecosystems in turn protects marine habitats, maintains the integrity of the wave, and safeguards local livelihoods.”

Save The Waves focuses on places around the world where iconic surfing waves overlap with biodiversity hotspots that are critically important for marine conservation. Their goal: protecting 1,000 waves by 2030.

Save The Waves’ will accomplish this goal by three strategies they are calling “Protect. Steward. Defend.” Through these initiatives, they are creating voluntary or legal protected areas, promoting on-the-ground stewardship of the place, and mobilizing local communities in global campaigns, building coalitions around each of these strategies with diverse organizations, individuals, and companies.

O’Neill supports Save The Waves in the form of a yearly financial donation, product donations, on-the ground support for specific campaigns, various type of communications and trough the involvement of our athletes.

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